Rules and Regulations

Important rules and regulations every runner must know.

Please read this section very carefully. Any runner not adhering to any of the following rules is subject to disqualification or penalty.

Last updated: 28 Aug 2024

Environmental Protection Rules

Several sections of the race course pass through national parks with designated sensitive wildlife areas inhabited by extinct animals and plants. We require everyone (runners) to be fully aware and follow these rules:

  • Please manage your physical condition carefully and rest/sleep well before the race.

  • You must stay on the trail at all times. There will be sections where racers will not be able to pass each other in order to protect the environment safety matters.

  • Picking up or damaging plants, animals, fungi and rocks found along the race course as well as within the overall race area are prohibited.

  • Short cutting is strictly prohibited due to potential damage to vegetation along the course.Please run along the designated course.

  • Absolutely no littering along the course.

Emergency Assistance & Consideration For Others

  • If during the race, you encounter another runner or staff member who is injured or sick and unable to move on their own, please give priority to assisting that person by telling race staff for assistance.

  • The race is located on national park and other public/private property places. Please be mindful and share the trail with others at all times.

  • Do not damage any property located along the race course.

Aid Stations & Outside Support

  • Food and drinks will be provided in every 3 km as well Aid Stations will provide every 5 km

  • Outside support by family and friends is not allowed.

  • The food and drinks at the station are only for the racers.

  • Non-registered racers may not run alongside racers. (No pacers allowed).

Medical Assistance During The Race

  • In order to ensure race safety, race organizer will prepare and arrange for rescue and medical assistance during the race. However, each participant must recognize and understand that there are risks that may result in injuries and/or accidents associated with trail running. You are responsible for yourself and will be participating in this race at your own risk.

  • Emergency and first aid tents staffed by a doctor and/or nurse will be located at pointed aid stations. All aid stations will have radio communication to race headquarters.

  • Emergency rescues/procedures will be available to racers as well all those involved in the race (e.g. staff, supporters).

    • Please note that, depending on the area, it may take a long period of time for help to reach you. If you receive emergency medical assistance from a rescue crew and/or doctor, please make sure that you get examined by a medical expert at a hospital after the race. Please contact the race organizer centre to let them know of your condition after the medical examination.

  • Doctors and rescue staff have the authority to stop a racer from continuing the race. This will be done by taking off the racer's number card and IC chips.

  • If you drop out of the race, you can continuing walk by take a shorter path to the pick up point that will take you back to the finish line.

  • Depending on your condition, an emergency evacuation may be required. This evacuation will be at the expense of the person being rescued. For all racers must be obtain adequate travel insurance coverage for the duration of your stay in Pauruan, East Java.

  • In the case of an emergency, if you are unable to reach the nearest Medic aid station, pick up point or finish line, the committee will give assistance.

Race Course Markers

  • The race course will be marked using marking tapes and signs. Race staff will also be positioned along the course. Dangerous areas up in the mountains will be marked by ropes and patrolled by staff in order to reduce risk.

(Note: Permission has been obtained from the appropriate land owners and property managers to put up temporary signs and marking tapes).

  • There will be a “no-passing” section as well as other sections with specific rules/conditions. Please abide by these rules.

  • Racers will be stopped at road intersections. Please follow the directions given by the race staff at these intersections.

  • The above signs and markers will be set up just before the race and will be immediately removed after the race.

Dropping Out Of The Race

If you decide to drop out of the race, you must notify race staff. Please remove your race card/bib and and report to a race staff member so that race Organizer Center can be notified. Once you've dropped out of the race, you will not be able to re-start.

Remember to keep your race card with you as you will need it to retrieve your bags from the bag storage area.

Dropping Out At An Aid Station

  • Tell an aid station staff that you've decided to drop out of the race.

  • You will be able to return to the finish line area by a race shuttle that will stop by the aid stations.

Dropping Out Along The Course

  • If you are able to move on your own, please make your way to the closest aid station (either return to the aid station you just left or go the next aid station).

  • If you are unable to move without assistance, please tell staff and follow their instructions.It will take time to get help out to you if you are out on the race course.

  • If you are not feeling well, it would be best to make your decision to drop out at an aid station.

Gear & Equipment

  • Course map (please download and printout or save your category's course map in your device).

  • Water

  • Food

Drop Bags

  • We will have drop bags during the race in the race venue.

Prohibited Actions

A racer may be disqualified or penalized at any time during the race for the following reasons:

  • Taking shortcuts and/or running off the trails.

  • Throwing garbage onto the course (this applies to both the race and his/her supporters).

  • Receiving outside support at other than the stipulated aid stations.

  • Running with people who are not officially registered in the race as racers.

  • Cheating (e.g. using other means of transportation, using substitute runners, and other unlawful actions).

  • Not abiding by the instructions given by official race staff including doctors, nurses, and emergency staff.

  • Continuing to run after the cut off times.

  • Doping and the use of prohibited drugs.

Racer & Race Organization Responsibilities

Race Organization Responsibilities

The race organization will be responsible for the following:

  • Tell an aid station staff that you've decided to drop out of the race.

  • Non-deliberate damage to property by race participants (e.g. plants and animals, objects, trails, etc.)

  • Marking and location of signs identifying the race course.

  • Race safety management.

Race Cancellation

The race organization reserves the right to cancel or cut-short the race for the following reasons:

  • Weather warnings sent by the meteorological agency.

  • The inability to ensure runner safety due to risks such as landslides and rockfalls along the course.

  • Natural disasters (or declared warnings issued by the 'BMKG-Badan Meteorologi dan Klimatologi' dan Gempa and TNBTS-Tanam Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru). In such a case, the race course cannot be changed to continue the race, nor will the race be postponed to a later date.

  • The decision as to whether or not the race will be cancelled will be made on the day before the race or on the day of the race. This will be communicated via the official race webIn the event of an earthquake, hurricane/typhoon, flood, incidents, accidents and/or epidemics, the race organization reserves the right to make judgments and decisions regarding the shortening/cancelling of the race, whether or not there will be refunds, the amount, and the method of communication.