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The 10K segment of the Bromo Marathon offers runners a swift yet scenic adventure through the stunning landscapes of East Java. Starting close to the foothills of the magnificent Bromo, this route is a compact burst of the marathon experience, perfect for speedsters and new trail enthusiasts alike.

Starting Thrills: Taking off from near the village of Tosari, the 10K race begins at an elevation of 1840 meters. Runners are immediately treated to the crisp, fresh air and the early morning serenity of the Tengger Caldera.

Elevation Encounter: The route hits a maximum elevation of 2130 meters, offering a moderately challenging climb that gives way to inspiring panoramic views. With a total elevation gain of 423 meters, this course delivers a punchy ascent followed by a rewarding descent.

Village Vistas: As the course unwinds, runners will dart through a patchwork of trails that showcase the rural beauty of the region. The route may take you past notable points like the vibrant fields near Pusuk Bumantara or the cultural touchstone of SDN Podokoyo.

Mid-Course Mix-Up: Midway through, participants will navigate a mix of terrains, from compact dirt paths to sections of traditional paving, reflecting the diverse geography of the national park.

The Homestretch: The final kilometers are a downhill delight, where you can let gravity do the work and enjoy the scenic descent back toward the finish line.

Race Experience

This 10K isn't just a race; it's a snapshot of the Bromo Marathon experience. You'll get to challenge yourself on the ascents and enjoy the ease of the downhills. It's a run that's as much about enjoying the journey as it is about reaching the finish line. Whether you're racing for a personal best or just out to enjoy the day, the 10K is a great way to join the festivities and sample the marathon atmosphere.




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